Since the
beginning of history, sexism has always been a prominent barrier between sexes.
The notion that women are not on the same level as men always been in
existence, this belief stems from the creation of Eve, through a rib of Adam.
From scripture, Eve’s roll was to be considered as a servant and temptress, the
sole reason why Adam ate the apple. Consequently Eve is blamed as being the
reason mankind is not living in paradise. Sexism has continued throughout
ancient history and continues occur in our own environment to this day. Sexism
affects our life even in today’s society. Sexism by definition is
discrimination by members of one sex against the other, based on the assumption
that one sex is superior whether physically, psychologically, or intellectually
rather than their individual merits. Discrimination of gender is demonstrated
in jobs, sport, school, advertising, etc. Sexism still exists in many cases
when people are judged by their gender in today’s society. For example when
playing sports it is more likely for a group of boys to let a boy play rather
than a girl because they would assume she can’t because she is a female.
Sexism also
exists when people assume that certain things are meant for a certain gender,
for example that woman belongs in the kitchen.
Sexual discrimination still exists but its occurrence has drastically reduced. Ego plays a major role in sexism too, most en cannot handle being positioned under a women possessing authority, while women feel the need to gain authority to be taken seriously.
Even education plays a major role in this concept as education given to men or women may affect the factors in which they choose to use sexism in their own way for their own morale. Sexism against women allows men with a lower education than the women to get a better paying job than the women.
Sexism is a simple ideology that one sex is superior to the other the term is generally used to refer to male prejudice and discrimination against women any attitude and actions which overtly or covertly discriminate against women or men on the grounds of their sex or gender. We even know about sexist advertisement of the past. Happy housewives could not drive cars but could push vacuum cleaners. Time has changed; women are not anymore forced to be slaves of men in many societies. They are allowed to to be educated and become independent most countries in the world adopted United Nation’s The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women(CEDAW). But sexism will still exist.
Sexism in modern societies is reflected in attitudes that reinforce the sub-ordinated status of women. It’s an ideology that justifies prejudice or discrimination based on sex it results in the challenging of women into statuses considered appropriate for women and their exclusion from statuses considered appropriate for men. Sexist attitude also tend to “objectify” women, which mean they treat women as an object of sex. They do not consider women as individuals worthy of full measure of respect and equal treatment in social institutions.
Sexual discrimination still exists but its occurrence has drastically reduced. Ego plays a major role in sexism too, most en cannot handle being positioned under a women possessing authority, while women feel the need to gain authority to be taken seriously.
Even education plays a major role in this concept as education given to men or women may affect the factors in which they choose to use sexism in their own way for their own morale. Sexism against women allows men with a lower education than the women to get a better paying job than the women.
Sexism is a simple ideology that one sex is superior to the other the term is generally used to refer to male prejudice and discrimination against women any attitude and actions which overtly or covertly discriminate against women or men on the grounds of their sex or gender. We even know about sexist advertisement of the past. Happy housewives could not drive cars but could push vacuum cleaners. Time has changed; women are not anymore forced to be slaves of men in many societies. They are allowed to to be educated and become independent most countries in the world adopted United Nation’s The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women(CEDAW). But sexism will still exist.
Sexism in modern societies is reflected in attitudes that reinforce the sub-ordinated status of women. It’s an ideology that justifies prejudice or discrimination based on sex it results in the challenging of women into statuses considered appropriate for women and their exclusion from statuses considered appropriate for men. Sexist attitude also tend to “objectify” women, which mean they treat women as an object of sex. They do not consider women as individuals worthy of full measure of respect and equal treatment in social institutions.
is not born: she is made. In the making, her humanity is destroyed she becomes
symbol of this, symbol of that; mother of the earth, slut of the universe; but
she never becomes herself because it is forbidden for her to do so.”
– Andrea Dworkin.
– Andrea Dworkin.